Wednesday, August 15, 2007

der Anfang


This is a nice blog where i will write about my fun times in Germany, and during my two month break between semester, i'll write about my fun times in Europe.

Hopefully i'll be able to update this kind of frequently; not because you won't be able to live a day without reading my thoughts, but because it'll be nice to be able to have a written (typed...) account of my year abroad. I don't really like to "blog" if that's a verb, but i'm going to try, for the sake of the children.

Right now, i have 13 days until i leave. My excitement is almost overwhelming. Unfourtunately, i have a lot to do before i leave.

Anyways, i gaurantee that this will be fun for you. not for me, because i hate writing about things, especially if they were really fun at the time. It always makes them seem dumb and insignificant.

ok thanks.


K. said...

Yeah, I hope you have better luck with this sort of thing than I do. Mine just turns out depressing for some reason.

Cassie said...

This blog of yours has yet to be updated. But, hey! You can always stick to the other one -- so everything will be in the same place. ;D That's more convenient anyway (especially for your readers who have accounts in both places). =D

Actually, to be honest, I just typed everything in bullet/point-by-point form in a Notepad document while I was abroad. It was too much effort to update my online stuff. So! One Notepad document per month was the way to go. For example:



Nara Day! w/ Reanna
Bus to Nagao, Train to Kisa, to Nara
Pretty temple and Pagoda (Kofukuji Temple)
Met Andrew (from Austrailia) and traded map for umbrella
Nara Museum - lacquerware & ancient art
Nara Koen and Deer! (Shika)
Walked from Nagao to somewhere to find food. Nothing.
Bus to Hirakata*shi
Buy dinner at Combini
Bus back home.

Had to leave early -- fixing the floor
Had R&W test which I did bad on. I decide to switch out.
Falling asleep in Media class
Watch videos with Junko
Return home
Falling asleep while watching TV. Oops.
"Read" the rest of Chain of Memories -- Yay!

Again, leave early -- fixing the floor
See little girls while going to bus - say hello
Interviewed about Japanese culture shock
Study Group for Poli Econ midterm
Go home
Wrap presents before going to sleep


So much easier to keep up with -- and you don't even have to post it online. So you might consider doing something similar? It helps a lot.

-- Cassie