Saturday, September 8, 2007

mein neue Leben

It has been a little over a week since I arrived in Germany, and I can’t really believe it.

The plane ride was fairly uneventful, and since it was my first one, I was a little nervous and excited at the same time. Everything went well, obviously. There are two funny things that happened on the plane: the first is when I tried putting my seat back, the people behind me pushed it back up, and that happened when Alice tried, too. The other one is that I’m pretty sure the stewardesses kept trying to get me drunk. Every time that they would walk by, they’d offer me a glass of wine. It was pretty funny.

The plane station when we landed in Germany was nice. I found out how to use the phones, and I called my Mom and my grandma. Then, Alice and I called Bärbel, our language assistant from last year that lives in Munich, and we planned to meet her at the Hauptbahnhoff, which is the main train station. She helped us find a hostel for the first night, and then took us out to dinner at a little pasta place.

The next morning, we found a hotel that was only a little bit more expensive, so we decided to book it. Unfortunately, when we moved our luggage from the hostel to our new hotel, we took another way, and ended up dragging two huge bags each for a really long time. But, we finally found it, and spent the entire day in there, hiding from the Germans. Actually, we went to the store, and watched some movies. That night, we woke up at 3 am and discussed how we were not jet lagged.

I love where I live. I live in this area called Studentenstadt, which is just student city. It’s a lot of buildings where only students at LMU can live, so everyone is about the same age. There is also some cafés, dance clubs, and bars here. My room is actually quite big. Well, it’s at least bigger than I had thought it would be. It was really messy for the first couple of days for lack of time spent in my room, but now it’s pretty close to perfection.

The people on my program are really awesome. Everyone is friendly, and fun to hang out with. We cooked a spaghetti dinner one of our first nights, and we go to TribüHne, which is kind of like a restaurant, I guess. It’s a lot smaller, though, and when all us Americans go in, it gets really crowded. Last night, a lot of us went out clubbing, but really not because we didn’t get into any because it was a Friday night, and we went a little late.

I feel a little bad because I’m not really spending my time equally with all the Americans, even though I find them all really cool. There’s this guy named Justin who Alice and I have been spending all of our time with. Seriously, we met him, and then spent the next four our five days with him, practically nonstop. It’s pretty cool. He’s a lot of fun. Interesting fact, and I kind of hope he doesn’t read this because he gets mad whenever alice or I make this comparison, but he looks a lot like the guy from High School Musical, the blonde girls brother. it’s pretty funny. I really hate that movie.

I was just going to then write about someone I don’t like, but I think that might be awkward if any one from my program somehow read this….

It seems like all I’ve been doing is einkaufen gehen (shopping). Peter, my roommate from freshman year says that every time he sees me and Justin, we’re either going shopping, or already hold bags. We go to the market, and then we tried finding some clothes. Him, alice, and I all bought awesome German hats. His isn’t really German but it’s okay.

I’ve got to admit, speaking German all the time is a little weird. Everything is in german, for example class, when we go into town, menus in restaurants, a lot of our conversations… But I have the feeling that I’ll know German after this year. I can already kind feel an improvement already, even though it’s only been a week. The other day, I forgot the English word for refrigerator. that was funny.

Well, this is getting really long, so I’ll end it with a funny story from last night.

We were all walking around the city searching for a club, or a restaurant, or anything that could accommodate us. While we were crossing the street, I turned my head behind me because I was talking to someone, when all of a sudden, the worst pain that I have ever felt happened between my legs. You know those metal poles that kind of stick up by crosswalks on the sidewalks sometimes, and they prevent cars from driving there. Well, there was one of those that I didn’t see, and now I can’t have kids. but doesn't that kind of seem like one of those things that only happens in the movies?

Bis ster,

Dakota in Germany

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

der Anfang


This is a nice blog where i will write about my fun times in Germany, and during my two month break between semester, i'll write about my fun times in Europe.

Hopefully i'll be able to update this kind of frequently; not because you won't be able to live a day without reading my thoughts, but because it'll be nice to be able to have a written (typed...) account of my year abroad. I don't really like to "blog" if that's a verb, but i'm going to try, for the sake of the children.

Right now, i have 13 days until i leave. My excitement is almost overwhelming. Unfourtunately, i have a lot to do before i leave.

Anyways, i gaurantee that this will be fun for you. not for me, because i hate writing about things, especially if they were really fun at the time. It always makes them seem dumb and insignificant.

ok thanks.